Thursday, November 6, 2008

Like The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea

  • What I'm Watching/Listening To/Reading:
    • It's been a reasonably bland season of Survivor, but that changed for at least one episode tonight. Burnett somehow finds a way to keep it fresh every time. The twist tonight obviously altered the trajectory of the game and it made for a heck of a lot of tension. So who becomes the favorite? I find it hard to believe that Kenny can trust Suzie over the long term and it would be too easy for Corinne and Charlie to pull Matty and/or Sugar in when they finally merge, especially since Sugar knows that Ken lied. I don't see anyone I love. Maybe Matty, who was my dark horse from the beginning.
    • If you didn't know yet, tonight on Grey's Anatomy was the last episode for Brooke Smith (Erica Hahn). The story of her dismissal is interesting. So Isiah Washington gets fired over the whole homophobia flap and now this. More importantly though, an ending like that and the addition of a couple of new characters (which would make three for the year) portends tremendous "jump the shark" potential. We shall see.
    • We watched You Don't Mess With The Zohan last night. It's actually exactly what I would have expected. The Israeli stereotype humor is really funny the first time they do it. Then, the movie gets super boring. Hey, a little bit of funny is more than you can say about any Adam Sandler movie since 50 First Dates.
    • Caught the SNL special from Monday night. The new stuff was pretty lame, except for the real Palin talking about revoking NBC's license, which was more creepy than anything else. They showed all of the skits from this year's election (except the horrible 1st debate one and the funny 3rd debate one). Weird thing is, forget even the primaries, the stuff from two weeks ago felt like it was ten years old. My mindset is so different now.
  • Random Thoughts/Links:
    • I'm retiring the cliche of calling someone "the man". After this week, nobody else can be "the man" anymore.
    • My predictions were basically in line with everyone else's, so it's no surprise that I was relatively close. I missed on IN and it looks like Omaha will go to President-Elect Obama as well. I may have bought the hype on GA, but it does look to be closer than it seemed on Tuesday.
    • Can't think of anything else, so just check this out. 1991. The beat is actually pretty good and you have to love the kid rocking the old school Pistons gear.
  • Daily Rant:
    • I followed the dumb thing for ten months. What do I do with my time now? I'm this close to checking out the Pollster trends for hall monitor.

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