Friday, April 10, 2009

Rocks In The Treetops

  • Random Pop Culture:
    • Did Brendan dodge a bullet or what on tonight's Survivor? With the number to nine, he can get over whatever bout of stupidity he was having, go talk to Taj, and they can roll over Coach and company.
    • It's fun to draw parallels between Passover and the Egyptian stuff on Lost, especially considering Jacob, the patriarch of the Jews-to-be that settled in Egypt, died there and was miserable because of his need to travel there. His people became enslaved ("Help me!") before they were rescued by a guy who died before he was able to see the Promised Land. It's fun, but I think it's pretty much garbage.
  • Random Hatred and/or Love:
    • Went to the zoo today. It's one of my favorite places. There's a new baby gorilla that was riding around on its mother's back. So cute.
  • Random Addiction:
    • I'm all about Twitter right now. It provides unparalleled access -- even more than Facebook -- between people, especially entertainers. Tonight, Shaq tweeted that the first person to find him at Graceland would get four free tickets. Someone found him pretty quickly. Jeff Probst asked for any feedback on the Survivor episode and answered some questions. Ditto Dr. Drew, who took a break from VH1 to answer a few. Ashton Kucher was chatting with former co-star Mila Kunis and took questions for her from his Twitter followers and then broadcast the answers.

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