Monday, April 12, 2010

Sooner Said Than Done

  • The Monologue:
    • Conan will be starting on TBS in the fall, where he'll be bumping George Lopez from the 11PM time slot. That's not a ha-ha joke. Irony, folks.
    • The Tea Party in Oklahoma is trying to form a militia. Or, as they called it in 1861, the Confederate Army.
    • The Tea Party in Oklahoma is trying to form a militia. Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant is excited to win the scoring title in the Confederate Basketball Association.
    • Ohhhhhhhhhhhh-klahoma, where the crazy comes sweepin' down the plain.
  • Random Pop Culture:
    • How I Met Your Mother is often funny, but it's not always have-to-pause-it-because-I'm-laughing-so-hard funny. It was tonight. Monkey humor? Slapstick? Both combined? Yes, please. I saw the ending coming a mile away and it still killed me. It's the paper airplanes that made it.
    • It seems to me that the people behind House recognize how formulaic the show is and they've been trying to shake it up quite a bit this season. Tonight's episode was good -- you really can't go wrong with David Strathairn and Hugh Laurie sharing the screen -- but I think the show overall has taken a little bit of a step back since the great season premiere. It's still my favorite thing on Fox, but Human Target is pretty great and, other than Lost, nothing on network TV is touching cable right now. Putting aside Mad Men, which began shooting its fourth season today, my three favorite things airing on TV right now are all on cable: The Pacific, Life, and Treme.
  • This Week:
    • No Idol mockery from me unless I wait until Thursday. I'm going to be in Charm City, hun, until Thursday night on business. And by business, I mean the industry. And by the industry, I mean re-upping Poot and looking for Wallace.

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